Friday, March 14, 2008

=== Imagination and War =====

After a stimulating conversation with some of my good friends over lunch the other day I had some thought that I would like to share about war and violence.

For most of us we are all for love peace, and living in shalom, and are willing to actively search for way of implementing these, especially the overcoming power of love.

But here is the issue: When we come up to a situation where we cannot conceive of how love can overcome, then we give up on it and assume that it cannot, and instead opt to implement the very tools which are inherently antithetical to love, the very things which destroy life(which love is all about)

Why do we so readily give up on love when it comes to facing grave evil and opt for the simpler option of war and violence? How did Jesus overcome the greatest evil of the world?
What ever happened to our imagination????????????

Monday, March 10, 2008

>>>>> Pollution a Sin? <<<<<<

So today I heard that the Pope recentely declared pollution to be a sin. Ok well thats all fine and well with me.

But after this comment Travis Keller my good friend, asked this question:

Who is he to say what is and isnt a sin? hmmm..... interesting question my friend.

If I may I would like to probe a little deeper than the surface of this question to the assumption behind it. This, I think is a question of authority in terms of truth. Who or what do has the authority to give us truth or tell us what truth is?

Well to answer this I guess that I would have to say: Well it depends on what metacultural period you are thinking out of. If you were thinking from the medival time period then of course the pope has the authority to declare what is and isnt a sin, because human authorities are also God's authority on truth. If you come from the Modern time then each individual person can decide with his own rational mind what truth is because, each person is his or her own final authority on truth. And of course if you are of posty persuasion then no body can know anything anyways and its all hopeless so who are you to presume to have any kind of answer to the question or to even ask it lol :) . I'm sorry thats not fair, its just really hard to know.

So the pope being part of the church that has fossilized part of the medival past I would like to think would have all the authority in the world to make this declaration. At least as much as anyone else from other way of thinking. I wonder if (them or us(I like the posty thinking)) of the posty persuasion are adopting the arrogance of the modern age in assuming to have the higher knowledge or better perspective than those ages past. I dont know just a thought.
Friends what do you think about this or Travis's comment, or the pope declaration???? I would like to know..