Saturday, April 26, 2008

???? Christian Nation ????

What is a "Christian Nation" ? Can there be such a thing? Are we one? At least those are question that I am confronted with.

Recently I have been learning and contemplating the genocides in Rowanda, and Darfur, and others. From my exposure to this subject (unknown to me until only recently) I have had some serious question about our Faith, God, and the Christian Religion that I have grown up with. So when I come back to this question of America I see it differently. I know that there is a great deal of tension with the issue of "America the Christian Nation", but for now lets just through this tension out the window and assume that it is. My question then is this, what then does that mean?

I ask myself how Jesus defines a Christian? Those who look after the orphans and the widows, who feed the hungry, who clothe the naked, who tend to the sick, who stand up for the oppressed! Not, those who believe certain doctrines, who adhere to various moral and religious codes, or who are associated with a religious institution.

Therefore if we are a "Christian Nation" then we would be primarily characterized a nation who cares for the orphans and widows, who stands up for the oppressed, who sacrifices it selves for the needy, and disenfranchised.

So here is the question: Are we a Christian Nation? What did WE do in Rowanda? What did WE do in Darfur? or What were WE doing during Darfur? What did WE do in Uganda????
Emphasis on the "WE". Its not "our nation", or "our government" Its WE (You, and myself included) ????????? What did WE do ?????????????


Heath Countryman said...

Have you read Greg Boyd's book, "The Myth of a Christian Nation?" Its pretty on topic for the questions you are asking.

I don't think "Christian" and "Nation" can be coupled, however I do think you can say we are a nation "founded" and "guided" by Christian principles, though even this does not apply for every area of our history or present situation.

Daniel Coutz said...

I'm using that book for a source for my current paper in Research writing. We are definitely not a Christian nation, nor can any nation be so. The Kingdom of God is a separate entity and can not pledge loyalty to any other entity.

Daniel Coutz said...

Also I liked what a great man(Joe Noonen) once said, "We need to unwrap the flag from the cross"

:::: Travis Keller :::: said...

it's pretty funny that you have john macarthur listed amongst all the other authors in your currently reading list!

:::: Travis Keller :::: said...

i response to your post:
check out my most recent post. also, you challenged me in regard to my personal responsibility as a part of a larger communitas.

-Steb- said...

Well my reasoning for his inclusion, is that my brother(John Mcaurthor), despite my disagreement with him at some points, still has a lot of wisdom for me to learn from.......

Anonymous said...


I agree both the words "Christian" and "Church" make beautiful nouns and sickening adjectives.

And we are just as influenced by materialism and self-interest, if not more so, kind of taking away from some essential Christian Values.